Check It

Tomorrow, I have my final meeting with my chosen contractor before construction finally starts! So excited, but thought I would write a little something about how I came to my decision.

There were really three men in the running for my little job. One was a friend of the family who was just priced impossibly high and another was the misogynistic jerk who actually had the lowest bid. The one I chose was in the middle as far as price, but most importantly... I liked him! I mean seriously, that factor tends to be far from emphasized in this whole process.

Mike is a cool older guy who had done several projects around the area. I literally just saw a house he did that looked nice and went up gangbusters and got his number from a sign in the front yard. Is this a great method? Not really, but it worked.

Now, because I don't know anyone personally who recommended him, I asked for references, proof of insurance, whether or not he is registered with the Better Business Bureau, and licenses. This is just smart... you need to make sure you don't just have some total rando nailing things together and thinking that they look good. Not OK. All of these qualifications and references are necessary to make sure you are making the right choice when it comes to choosing a contractor.

I am very pleased with Mike and my best advice is just to be smart. Think before you leap in with someone and make sure you lay out all the specifications and ideas you have before you sign anything. Honesty is the best policy and hopefully your contractor will be straight with you.

Now if only all of life's other relationships were this straightforward...

PS: if you google image 'dubious,' this image is what you get. I thought it was great.