Pest Control

The temperatures are dropping steadily. We're putting away the outdoor grills and tucking away our swimsuits for next year. I wore a sweater today and loved it.

The point is, it is getting cold, and it is getting to be autumn. As discussed, I love autumn. I think most people do. It is, hands down, the most amazing season.

You know who else likes autumn? PESTS.

Mice. Termites. Crickets. Spiders. Rats. Roaches. Millipedes. Ants. Bugs. Vermin (or vermit as my dad calls them). Whatever they may be, these little guys know it is getting cold. They feel it in their little spider legs and their tiny mouse tails. The millipedes feel it in each of their thousand feet. And they have one thought on their tiny little bug brains... get warm.

Where do they go to get warm? Your house. It doesn't matter how clean you are, they are coming. And that creeps me out.

October is the time to call Mr. Bug Killer Man and bring him on out. I know all you PETA people are probably hating me, but I don't care. I want my house sprayed for anything and everything.

In the interest of unfailing blog honesty, I have a confession. Last week, I found a mouse outside my house. I may have accidentally run over it with my car. I really didn't mean to, I didn't even know it was there. After squealing and screaming and calling my mom in a panic, calmed down enough to dispose of him (my hose works!) and realize that this is not the end of the world. Additionally, it is not that uncommon for older homes to have issues like this.

So call around your city. Most exterminators offer a seasonal package where they will come spray your house once every ninety days and guarantee you won't see any more bugs (I like that idea). The initial fee is around $150 depending on the package, with a follow up of around $50 every three months. That quote is a little higher because it includes getting rid of yucky "rodents," such as our dearly departed friend Mr. Mouse. It can't hurt to call... most places will give you a free estimate depending on the size and structural elements of your home.

Forget the childhood conditioning of An American Tail, Mickey, and The Secret of Nimh. Pests are no good and as a responsible homeowner, you need to take care of them. Bug off.