Wallpaper Scraps: Not Crap

In my line of work, we are surrounded by sample books. Literally. We have an entire room devoted to carpet sample, another to wallpaper, and yet another huge room--with workspace--for textiles. I have discussed the abundance of textile scraps before, but now we are moving on to the wonder of wallpaper scraps.

Wallpaper ain't just for an ugly kitchen border and Modge Podge ain't just for your scrapbooking granny. Get creative or follow a template. Recreate a piece of famous art... using scraps of decorative paper. Don't have access to discontinued samples? Make color copies or even use fun paper meant for scrapbooking (though that can be a little more expensive).

Sketch out your image on a pre-stretched, primed canvas. By thinking in blocks of color, not only are you tapping your inner printmaker, you are bringing out the spatial thinker within. Sometimes it is easier to just cut away; I personally prefer to make templates of my shapes on regular paper first. However, I might just be special. I had a little trouble grasping the concept behind holding scissors correctly in preschool. I am just creative. Lay off.

Even if you can't draw a straight line, this project is pretty difficult to screw up. Draw your shapes in pencil on the back of the paper to prevent any markings from showing. Glue them down using just a little watered-down Elmers and a paint brush (you can just use the Modge Podge, but I don't trust it). When you are finished, brush the whole thing with a coat of Modge Podge to keep everything seamless. And like magic, more wall art. You are awesome.


Unknown said...

Oooh! I want all those sample books! I would GO TO TOWN.