
It's true, I am back! The past month has been ridiculous and difficult and busy, but I am here. My work schedule has been completely different due to our holiday sale and things have been picking up with my class. Additionally, my computer crashed (that tends to throw a wrench into the act of blogging, I found) and earlier today my family said goodbye to our precious puppy, Chip. So not the greatest few weeks of life, but that is over now and I am back to Sweaty Equity and better than ever!

The house is coming along nicely. We've started construction and the whole place looks a little bit like a war zone. I have many subjects upon which to expound and I cannot wait to do so. Mostly, I wanted to let the diligent readers of Sweaty Equity (if there are any of you left) know that I am alive and well and knocking down walls! Let's get back to business, shall we?