Seven Minutes in Heaven

I spent another Sunday painting the upstairs of my house! It was fun, despite being a tad bit exhausted and suffering from the grossest-looking foot injury of all time (some nice guy was so kind as to stomp on my foot at a concert on Saturday night). The color is up in the master bedroom and it looks absolutely fabulous.

I knew from the first that I wanted a lavender/gray color in my bedroom, but I came to a dilemma when choosing a paint color for the closets.

Never ever paint your closets the same color as your room. Closets are a pain to paint once you have moved in--you have to empty them and work around built in shelving, etc. And chances are you will change your wall color sooner than you will want to change your closet color... no one wants a calm blue bedroom paired with a brick red closet.

Now, most people would go with a traditional white. However, I strongly recommend something with a bit more of the proverbial uumph to it--still a light neutral, but something that will offset your clothes so that they look good. Don't forget to keep it light though! There is nothing like searching through a dark closet to find what you are looking for. I went with Behr's Navajo White, a soft beige that will definitely provide a flattering background for my eighteen thousand empire waist dresses.

I also strongly recommend making friends with somebody tiny, like May May here. This is her painting my tiny (like 1x1') linen closet in my bathroom. She was the only one who could fit!


Unknown said...

Your tiny friend thinks she may have gotten the paint out of her hair.. but I can't see the back of my head so who know?! Glad I could put my tinyness to use :)

Anonymous said...

i didn't even know people painted the insides of their closets...