Going Postal

When you move, make sure to fill out a change of address form.

Dude, you can even do it online.

My new mailbox is stuffed with letters and bills for the previous owner every day.

Not cool.

That's all.

Check It

Tomorrow, I have my final meeting with my chosen contractor before construction finally starts! So excited, but thought I would write a little something about how I came to my decision.

There were really three men in the running for my little job. One was a friend of the family who was just priced impossibly high and another was the misogynistic jerk who actually had the lowest bid. The one I chose was in the middle as far as price, but most importantly... I liked him! I mean seriously, that factor tends to be far from emphasized in this whole process.

Mike is a cool older guy who had done several projects around the area. I literally just saw a house he did that looked nice and went up gangbusters and got his number from a sign in the front yard. Is this a great method? Not really, but it worked.

Now, because I don't know anyone personally who recommended him, I asked for references, proof of insurance, whether or not he is registered with the Better Business Bureau, and licenses. This is just smart... you need to make sure you don't just have some total rando nailing things together and thinking that they look good. Not OK. All of these qualifications and references are necessary to make sure you are making the right choice when it comes to choosing a contractor.

I am very pleased with Mike and my best advice is just to be smart. Think before you leap in with someone and make sure you lay out all the specifications and ideas you have before you sign anything. Honesty is the best policy and hopefully your contractor will be straight with you.

Now if only all of life's other relationships were this straightforward...

PS: if you google image 'dubious,' this image is what you get. I thought it was great.

Wallpaper Scraps: Not Crap

In my line of work, we are surrounded by sample books. Literally. We have an entire room devoted to carpet sample, another to wallpaper, and yet another huge room--with workspace--for textiles. I have discussed the abundance of textile scraps before, but now we are moving on to the wonder of wallpaper scraps.

Wallpaper ain't just for an ugly kitchen border and Modge Podge ain't just for your scrapbooking granny. Get creative or follow a template. Recreate a piece of famous art... using scraps of decorative paper. Don't have access to discontinued samples? Make color copies or even use fun paper meant for scrapbooking (though that can be a little more expensive).

Sketch out your image on a pre-stretched, primed canvas. By thinking in blocks of color, not only are you tapping your inner printmaker, you are bringing out the spatial thinker within. Sometimes it is easier to just cut away; I personally prefer to make templates of my shapes on regular paper first. However, I might just be special. I had a little trouble grasping the concept behind holding scissors correctly in preschool. I am just creative. Lay off.

Even if you can't draw a straight line, this project is pretty difficult to screw up. Draw your shapes in pencil on the back of the paper to prevent any markings from showing. Glue them down using just a little watered-down Elmers and a paint brush (you can just use the Modge Podge, but I don't trust it). When you are finished, brush the whole thing with a coat of Modge Podge to keep everything seamless. And like magic, more wall art. You are awesome.

Planting Perennials

I am a gardener in no way, shape, or form. I managed to keep a peace lily alive for a year without ever realizing that it was supposed to have blooms. I thought it was just a lovely green plant. Then my mom started to water it, and it started getting these weird-looking bulbs at the end of the stalks, which I assumed were some mutant green plant virus, so I clipped them off. Then I went out of town, leaving the mutant things alone and my mom in charge... and came home to find a peace lily with beautiful blooms. I was convinced my mom had switched the plant. I was wrong. Anyway, that is just proof that I am anything but a green thumb.

However, in the name of home-ownership, I have decided to try my best to have at least a nice little border of something in my front yard. There is already a hydrangea bush that I am trying my hardest to keep from dying, and some little green things. And now is the time to plant myself some perennials.

Perennials, for the gardening illiterate, are flowers that you plant once and then they keep coming back year after year. Sweet! And dirt cheap... no pun intended? I went to a local store and picked up 50 jonquil bulbs (also known as daffodils) for $14.95 plus tax. Even if you only have a small patch of garden, think of how awesome it will be when, come spring time, up pop these bright and happy flowers? Tulips are also perennials; I am just partial to jonquils because they are my birth month flower! And yellow is my favorite color.

So today, I set out to plant (with the help of my green-thumbed mom) about 25 daffodil bulbs in my front yard. By digging down about 8 inches and planting bulbs 5 inches across, my blooms should have plenty of room to do their thing. We also added a little fertilizer in the hole to help things along. If Martha Stewart were there, she would have added some compost, but we can't all be perfect.

I'll update you in March as to how this whole experiment went... but for now I feel pretty confident about my adventures in gardening!

Stuff I Like This Week 10/24/2009

I know you missed this last week. Let's just be honest... stuff I like dominates your life.

1. Raking Leaves. Autumn is most definitely upon us and with that comes numerous outside chores. Besides cutting grass and pulling weeds (which is how I spent part of one of my precious days off), if you have basically any trees, you need to rake some leaves. A chore? Not at all. Let's talk about something taking you back to your childhood. I don't know about you, but I was a huge fan of raking leaves... and then of course jumping in them. But now that you are grown up, did you know that an hour of raking leaves burns about 300 calories? So get outside, enjoy the sunshine and crisp air, plug in your iPod, and make your yard look lovely.

2. Office Supplies. OK, I don't know if it's just me, but I missed the lesson on fax machines and multi-line phones. I am hopeless in my office. I think I've finally gotten the hang of the fax machine, but I still can't transfer a call to save my life. Maybe it is a generational thing... I can do everything else better than the other women in my office. But I swear they might fire me if I accidentally hang up on another client. Therefore, I have decided I am a HUGE fan of traditional office supplies. And I showed my love by completely reorganizing the supply closet at work-- without even being asked. I loved it; I got out the label maker and went to town. And now that everything is organized, I can enjoy the magicalness of a brand new Sharpie point or an unblemished binder. It's the simple things in life, really.

3. Ingrid Michaelson. It's not like she has a new CD or anything, but I have just been on a big kick of her music. I saw her live opening for Matt Nathanson last year and she was so down to earth and chill-- awesome. And no, she is not just that girl who is always featured on Grey's Anatomy. My friend Meg inspired the re-listen by suggesting her song "The Chain" for a mix, and I fell in love all over again. If you need something relaxed for work or something, try her quirky melodies... and admire the skill behind singing about having sex like bunnies.

4. The New iMacs. I am a devoted Apple droid. I will admit it, and proudly. As an artist, I just have to believe they are just by far superior to PCs. Yes, they are sometimes more expensive, but I will take that over viruses and crappy operating systems. And now... there is a new generation. With 27" monitors and wireless keyboards and intuitive mouse included, these desktops have immediately found a place in my heart. There is a new MacBook as well, but I am a MacBook Pro kind of girl so I am not as excited. I have been looking at getting a high-powered desktop recently since my MacBook Pro has been suffering from the onslaught of programs I use at one time. Done and done.

5. Gilda's Club. This organization is hands-down one of the best non-profits out there. Named for SNL star Gilda Radner, this place offers a home-like environment for anyone affected by cancer... not just people with cancer. As a child with two parents who have suffered from cancer (my mother is a breast cancer survivor and my father is currently undergoing treatment for colon cancer), I definitely understand the need for somewhere to go for support. As a part of Junior League, we spent yesterday setting up for Noogiefest, a sort of fall festival for the kids who enjoy Gilda's Club. They have many chapters around the United States, so google it and see if you might be able to find a volunteer opportunity. Your time will not be wasted!


I feel like there should be some sort of flogging or something as punishment for not blogging for as long as I have not blogged. Like fifty lashes or maybe a little bit of water boarding or something. Simulated drowning might get me typing faster.

In all honesty, I have felt stalled these past few weeks. Nothing has really been going on at the house, and therefore it seems nothing much has been going on in my life. Class has lost its novelty, and work has been stressful rather than exciting. I went to South Carolina last weekend, which was fun obviously, but it was just like pressing the pause button and then having to fast forward to catch up. It was also like a montage of past errors, but that is a different story for a different time, and probably not within the blogosphere.

The good news is: I am back, and hopefully better than ever. I made a lot of progress today; despite still recovering from a weekend devoid of sleep, I managed to cut my grass, run some pertinent errands, and meet with a contractor. And the GREAT news? I think I have actually decided on a contractor! More about the actual decision process later, but it was a relatively easy gut decision and I am very relieved and ready to get started.

So here we are... I was discussing with my friend Molly today how mid-October is a much better time than New Year's to examine how far you have come in a year. This time last year, I was floundering. Now I have roots (quite literally) and I feel like I am going places. So there we are. Let's start building, shall we?

Stuff I Like This Week 10/10/09

1. Business Cards. Confession: my job is not real. OK, that is not true, but my title is basically non-existent and my role undefined. That's OK with me because I am gaining sooo much experience in Interior Design, and one day I will have a real card with a fancy title and embossed letters. Until then, I have decided to invest in my own. I considered putting a title like "freelance designer" or something like that on the cards, but then I decided not to... A. it doesn't sound too professional, and B. what if I don't do that for a long time? Anyway, I guess you could call what I got more like calling cards, but whatever. I chose to get 250 cute cards with my name, email, address, and phone number... oh and my blog! Anyway, now I finally have something to give to the people I meet who give me their cards... and they are super cute without being overly ridiculous. I got them for FIVE DOLLARS at VistaPrint.com and I am obsessed. So if you don't have some from your job, consider it. Can't hurt! (And note: they don't have the annoying company name on the back! Yay!)

2. Strong Boys. I like female equality. I am all for it. Not in the radical feminist way, but whatever. I know how to use tools and I appreciate when a guy cooks. But please tell me what is better than having a strong boy to do your physical labor? My move is going to be upon us soon and you had better believe I will recruit every guy I know with offers of beer and pizza... a fool-proof plan. And some of them may complain or try to duck out (coughRobbycough), but I know their mothers.

3. Pigment Liners. I discover these magical utensils while I studied abroad in Italy and I have been obsessed ever since. For four years, I have recommended nothing else. OK that is a lie. I do like Sharpie pens. But pigment liners give you a smooth crisp line that doesn't bleed and usually doesn't smudge. All good things. I have begun using them for my Interior Design class and couldn't be happier. And I have an amazingly strong revulsion to pencil, so that helps. Seriously. Pencils suck. Bring on the pigment liners please.

4. Files. I like organization. There may be clothes all over my floor, but my files are ALWAYS in order. Most recently, I have been on an organization kick at work. I recently redid every photo binder we have... which is a lot. And there is nothing more satisfying than a bunch of dividers lined up with printed labels and organizational happiness. I love it. I am a dork.

5. Target. OK, we know I love Target. It is amazing. Unfortunately, the Target near my house has been closed for renovations since February, forcing me to visit the Tar-ghetto outside of my normal realm of driving. NOT ANYMORE. Our Target finally reopened this week and I am amazed. I stopped to grab a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte as I walked through the gleaming red doors and wandered the aisles of happiness. One of the moms for whom I babysit said that it was such a surreal experience because everyone was so happy in the store... and she was right. Everyone was just basking in the glory of finally having our favorite retailer back in the neighborhood. And it helps that it is brighter, cleaner, and bigger than ever. Bring on the fun!

"It's like entering Wonka's chocolate factory..."

This morning, my Interior Architecture class went on a field trip. While this trip did not involve sitting on a big yellow school bus or packing a lunch in a brown paper bag, it was nonetheless one of my favorite school activities ever.

We went to Architectural Salvage, Louisville's premier place where architectural elements go to die. It is AMAZING. The ramshackle complex is sprawling and vast. Turn right at the claw-foot tubs, hang a left at the vintage doorknobs, and go straight through the banisters to get to the stained glass windows. Done and done.

The concept: when older buildings are being torn down or remodeled, they take random things like doors, fireplace mantels, light fixtures, and banisters to this store where they are priced and put up for resale. Not everything is affordable, but how much cooler is it to get a vintage glass door knob for $15.00 rather than a brand faux brushed nickel one for a little less?

Luckily for you, places like this are not found only in Louisville. Google architectural salvage yards in your area and find lots of fun random things. Go get lost. Get inspired. Start coveting a range from the 1940s or a carved mahogany mantelpiece. I certainly got more than a few ideas for my place... oh, and for my Interior Architecture final project too, of course.

Pest Control

The temperatures are dropping steadily. We're putting away the outdoor grills and tucking away our swimsuits for next year. I wore a sweater today and loved it.

The point is, it is getting cold, and it is getting to be autumn. As discussed, I love autumn. I think most people do. It is, hands down, the most amazing season.

You know who else likes autumn? PESTS.

Mice. Termites. Crickets. Spiders. Rats. Roaches. Millipedes. Ants. Bugs. Vermin (or vermit as my dad calls them). Whatever they may be, these little guys know it is getting cold. They feel it in their little spider legs and their tiny mouse tails. The millipedes feel it in each of their thousand feet. And they have one thought on their tiny little bug brains... get warm.

Where do they go to get warm? Your house. It doesn't matter how clean you are, they are coming. And that creeps me out.

October is the time to call Mr. Bug Killer Man and bring him on out. I know all you PETA people are probably hating me, but I don't care. I want my house sprayed for anything and everything.

In the interest of unfailing blog honesty, I have a confession. Last week, I found a mouse outside my house. I may have accidentally run over it with my car. I really didn't mean to, I didn't even know it was there. After squealing and screaming and calling my mom in a panic, calmed down enough to dispose of him (my hose works!) and realize that this is not the end of the world. Additionally, it is not that uncommon for older homes to have issues like this.

So call around your city. Most exterminators offer a seasonal package where they will come spray your house once every ninety days and guarantee you won't see any more bugs (I like that idea). The initial fee is around $150 depending on the package, with a follow up of around $50 every three months. That quote is a little higher because it includes getting rid of yucky "rodents," such as our dearly departed friend Mr. Mouse. It can't hurt to call... most places will give you a free estimate depending on the size and structural elements of your home.

Forget the childhood conditioning of An American Tail, Mickey, and The Secret of Nimh. Pests are no good and as a responsible homeowner, you need to take care of them. Bug off.

Holy Bottle Caps, Batman!

OK so I know it has been awhile since I mentioned the awesome wine cork board, but I just had to throw this in there: what goes better with a wine cork bulletin board than bottle cap thumbtacks?

In the original entry, I suggested using some cute retro tacks from Target, but I revise that decision. Instead, grab some of the cheap metal flat-top thumbtacks (not the plastic ones that you usually see). Using a metal adhesive (available in most craft stores) or simple super glue, adhere the thumbtacks to the inside of some of your favorite bottle caps for a quick and easy decorative amendment to your sweet bulletin board.

Seasonal or local brews are probably the coolest choice for sources of caps. I will judge you if you use some from Mike's Hard Lemonade or Smirnoff Ice. To each his own, but seriously? And while you might have a plethora of Bud Light caps hanging around, maybe aim high one weekend and expand your horizons. Now since you have these up in your kitchen forever, your friends will remember how cool you are for much longer. Go for it.

I'm off to guzzle some Ale 8...

Stuff I Like This Week 10/3/2009

1. www.1000awesomethings.com. OK so maybe I am behind and everyone else already knows about this, but I am loving this blog. It is pretty self-explanatory... they list things that are awesome. Common pleasures such as pulling through a parking space so you don't have to back up and getting piggy-back rides are exalted. In addition, there are several hundred entries (they haven't gotten to 1000 yet) and that means hours of entertainment when you are bored and babysitting on a Friday night. I wonder who that could be?

2. Flu Shots. Yes, the oink flu is getting all the press, but the regular flu is still out there hanging around. And as a kid with two immuno-suppressed parents, I basically have no choice but to get stuck with a needle and endure the nausea I get when I think about getting shots. So anyway, for $24.99, arm yourself against the gross week of influenza that will most likely occur during the dreary days of winter. And despite my boo-hooing and almost throwing up on the pharmacist, it really wasn't that bad.

3. Outdoor Fireplaces. I am obsessed with October. It is one of the only times I seriously love being outside. It is colorful and amazing. And it is starting to get cold. Thus, I heart outdoor fireplaces. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to build one right now, but one of my friends has one and I am obsessed. There is nothing more awesome than curling up in front of a warm, contained fire, while enjoying the brisk October air and the sound of the crickets that are all over my house.

4. You Don't Know Jacques. I am not sure how many of my readers are female versus male, but ladies, this OPI nail color is the best thing to ever happen to my hands. Ever since my friend Meg introduced me to the idea of gray nail polish almost a year ago, I have been searching for the perfect shade. Released this past July, You Don't Know Jacques is a neutral without being boring and trendy without being black. I tried to switch to red, and it just didn't do it for me anymore. Go gray.

5. Color Twinkle Lights. Some people call them tacky, I call them retro and awesome. I fully intend to string some on my patio when I finally move in. I will bask in their complimenting glow and enjoy every minute of it.

Battle of the Sexes

I am a child of the millennium, according to the women at my office at least. I prefer to communicate through electronic means, such as emails, tweets, and (duh) blogs. I am attached to my Blackberry and my MacBook Pro is my child.

Part of growing up in this generation is believing that women and men are equal. However, I am also a Southern girl, which means I expect a man to hold the door open for me as he ushers me through the glass ceiling.

But I digress. The point is, I am naive and expected to be treated as an equal by contractors... after all, I am a strong, capable, single woman who has purchased her own home and is going to be paying someone to do some construction for me. However, I was mistaken. Despite being the one making the calls, scheduling appointments, sharing ideas, and writing checks, I have been treated like a silly little girl by several potential contractors. While I understand that I may not be the most knowledgeable individual when it comes to construction, I am not an idiot. I am coming to these men with well-drafted plans and an open pocketbook, and they are treating me like a simpleton.

Now, I need to be careful not to generalize. Two of the four contractors I have met with have been very respectful and will be more likely to get the job because of that fact. However, one I met with yesterday blew me away with his condescending, misogynistic attitude. All was going OK until we started discussing his bid for the job. He actually asked me if he should call my dad or my husband about the numbers. I wish I were kidding.

I informed him that this was my home and that everything regarding construction would go through me. Whatever. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Really, I am not trying to make a generalization about contractors, but let this serve as a warning to young female home-buyers: you have to be assertive. This is your home, you are in charge, and you call the shots. Be strong. Be proud. Be a homeowner.

Goin' Green

So maybe this makes me spoiled and ridiculous, but I have never mowed a lawn before. My parents always had a service to do it and ever since I have been on my own, I have rented apartments. Apparently, part of owning a home is lawn care. Thus, today, I embarked on my first outdoor adventure. And despite a few mishaps, I think I did pretty well!

Now, I am not going to sit here and pretend to be super environmentally-conscious. I drive an
SUV and I leave lights on when I don't mean to. I apologize. But I do try to make an effort as far as my carbon footprint or whatever that mumbo jumbo is about. Also, I am cheap. Therefore, when it came time to purchase my very own lawn mower, I chose one powered with nothing but my blood, sweat, and tears. That's right... an old school push reel lawn mower. It also helped that it was on sale for $70 as opposed to the hundreds of dollars for the gas or electric fancy schmancy ones.

First, I had to assemble this bad boy. Little known fact: I freaking love putting stuff together. Some assembly required are like the magic words. Done and done. Get me some sort of wrench thing and I am good to go.

That's right, I am awesome. I was terrified to take the cardboard off the blades until I absolutely had to. I am a baby. Also, that thing on the back meant to catch clippings? No thanks; it ended up just jamming the thing all the time. See ya. Also, apparently, some grass clipping left on the freshly mown grass are good. I'll take it. And now remember kids, always wear proper footwear... no flip flops. And while I opted for my top-siders, there are probably better options. Anyway, point is: be safe. I lost a finger in third grade (they reattached it, no worries), but ever since then, I have grown rather attached to my appendages. Just sayin'.

OH MY GOD LOOK AT ME GO! In all honesty, I was kind of surprised that it worked. But it did! My arms are a little sore, but over all, it was not nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. So if you have a lawn, especially a smaller one, consider going green with a push reel mower. Not only is it awesome vintage-looking, it is a great work out. Oh, and good for the environment.