Stuff I Like This Week 10/10/09

1. Business Cards. Confession: my job is not real. OK, that is not true, but my title is basically non-existent and my role undefined. That's OK with me because I am gaining sooo much experience in Interior Design, and one day I will have a real card with a fancy title and embossed letters. Until then, I have decided to invest in my own. I considered putting a title like "freelance designer" or something like that on the cards, but then I decided not to... A. it doesn't sound too professional, and B. what if I don't do that for a long time? Anyway, I guess you could call what I got more like calling cards, but whatever. I chose to get 250 cute cards with my name, email, address, and phone number... oh and my blog! Anyway, now I finally have something to give to the people I meet who give me their cards... and they are super cute without being overly ridiculous. I got them for FIVE DOLLARS at and I am obsessed. So if you don't have some from your job, consider it. Can't hurt! (And note: they don't have the annoying company name on the back! Yay!)

2. Strong Boys. I like female equality. I am all for it. Not in the radical feminist way, but whatever. I know how to use tools and I appreciate when a guy cooks. But please tell me what is better than having a strong boy to do your physical labor? My move is going to be upon us soon and you had better believe I will recruit every guy I know with offers of beer and pizza... a fool-proof plan. And some of them may complain or try to duck out (coughRobbycough), but I know their mothers.

3. Pigment Liners. I discover these magical utensils while I studied abroad in Italy and I have been obsessed ever since. For four years, I have recommended nothing else. OK that is a lie. I do like Sharpie pens. But pigment liners give you a smooth crisp line that doesn't bleed and usually doesn't smudge. All good things. I have begun using them for my Interior Design class and couldn't be happier. And I have an amazingly strong revulsion to pencil, so that helps. Seriously. Pencils suck. Bring on the pigment liners please.

4. Files. I like organization. There may be clothes all over my floor, but my files are ALWAYS in order. Most recently, I have been on an organization kick at work. I recently redid every photo binder we have... which is a lot. And there is nothing more satisfying than a bunch of dividers lined up with printed labels and organizational happiness. I love it. I am a dork.

5. Target. OK, we know I love Target. It is amazing. Unfortunately, the Target near my house has been closed for renovations since February, forcing me to visit the Tar-ghetto outside of my normal realm of driving. NOT ANYMORE. Our Target finally reopened this week and I am amazed. I stopped to grab a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte as I walked through the gleaming red doors and wandered the aisles of happiness. One of the moms for whom I babysit said that it was such a surreal experience because everyone was so happy in the store... and she was right. Everyone was just basking in the glory of finally having our favorite retailer back in the neighborhood. And it helps that it is brighter, cleaner, and bigger than ever. Bring on the fun!