Holy Bottle Caps, Batman!

OK so I know it has been awhile since I mentioned the awesome wine cork board, but I just had to throw this in there: what goes better with a wine cork bulletin board than bottle cap thumbtacks?

In the original entry, I suggested using some cute retro tacks from Target, but I revise that decision. Instead, grab some of the cheap metal flat-top thumbtacks (not the plastic ones that you usually see). Using a metal adhesive (available in most craft stores) or simple super glue, adhere the thumbtacks to the inside of some of your favorite bottle caps for a quick and easy decorative amendment to your sweet bulletin board.

Seasonal or local brews are probably the coolest choice for sources of caps. I will judge you if you use some from Mike's Hard Lemonade or Smirnoff Ice. To each his own, but seriously? And while you might have a plethora of Bud Light caps hanging around, maybe aim high one weekend and expand your horizons. Now since you have these up in your kitchen forever, your friends will remember how cool you are for much longer. Go for it.

I'm off to guzzle some Ale 8...