"It's like entering Wonka's chocolate factory..."

This morning, my Interior Architecture class went on a field trip. While this trip did not involve sitting on a big yellow school bus or packing a lunch in a brown paper bag, it was nonetheless one of my favorite school activities ever.

We went to Architectural Salvage, Louisville's premier place where architectural elements go to die. It is AMAZING. The ramshackle complex is sprawling and vast. Turn right at the claw-foot tubs, hang a left at the vintage doorknobs, and go straight through the banisters to get to the stained glass windows. Done and done.

The concept: when older buildings are being torn down or remodeled, they take random things like doors, fireplace mantels, light fixtures, and banisters to this store where they are priced and put up for resale. Not everything is affordable, but how much cooler is it to get a vintage glass door knob for $15.00 rather than a brand faux brushed nickel one for a little less?

Luckily for you, places like this are not found only in Louisville. Google architectural salvage yards in your area and find lots of fun random things. Go get lost. Get inspired. Start coveting a range from the 1940s or a carved mahogany mantelpiece. I certainly got more than a few ideas for my place... oh, and for my Interior Architecture final project too, of course.