Goin' Green

So maybe this makes me spoiled and ridiculous, but I have never mowed a lawn before. My parents always had a service to do it and ever since I have been on my own, I have rented apartments. Apparently, part of owning a home is lawn care. Thus, today, I embarked on my first outdoor adventure. And despite a few mishaps, I think I did pretty well!

Now, I am not going to sit here and pretend to be super environmentally-conscious. I drive an
SUV and I leave lights on when I don't mean to. I apologize. But I do try to make an effort as far as my carbon footprint or whatever that mumbo jumbo is about. Also, I am cheap. Therefore, when it came time to purchase my very own lawn mower, I chose one powered with nothing but my blood, sweat, and tears. That's right... an old school push reel lawn mower. It also helped that it was on sale for $70 as opposed to the hundreds of dollars for the gas or electric fancy schmancy ones.

First, I had to assemble this bad boy. Little known fact: I freaking love putting stuff together. Some assembly required are like the magic words. Done and done. Get me some sort of wrench thing and I am good to go.

That's right, I am awesome. I was terrified to take the cardboard off the blades until I absolutely had to. I am a baby. Also, that thing on the back meant to catch clippings? No thanks; it ended up just jamming the thing all the time. See ya. Also, apparently, some grass clipping left on the freshly mown grass are good. I'll take it. And now remember kids, always wear proper footwear... no flip flops. And while I opted for my top-siders, there are probably better options. Anyway, point is: be safe. I lost a finger in third grade (they reattached it, no worries), but ever since then, I have grown rather attached to my appendages. Just sayin'.

OH MY GOD LOOK AT ME GO! In all honesty, I was kind of surprised that it worked. But it did! My arms are a little sore, but over all, it was not nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. So if you have a lawn, especially a smaller one, consider going green with a push reel mower. Not only is it awesome vintage-looking, it is a great work out. Oh, and good for the environment.


Anonymous said...

that's what we use. teaj insists on catching the clippings and i hate it. now i mow once without the catcher and then he goes over it once with. ours was less than $70 though. sucker.

Rachel said...

I am so proud of you Caroline! I really admire your dedication and pride you have in your house and land.

rbrandt said...

i am thoroughly impressed cwells. my sister and her husband have one, and granted they have a postage stamp sized yard...but i kind of always giggle at their non electic mower...glad you enjoyed your yard outing.