Stuff I Like This Week 10/24/2009

I know you missed this last week. Let's just be honest... stuff I like dominates your life.

1. Raking Leaves. Autumn is most definitely upon us and with that comes numerous outside chores. Besides cutting grass and pulling weeds (which is how I spent part of one of my precious days off), if you have basically any trees, you need to rake some leaves. A chore? Not at all. Let's talk about something taking you back to your childhood. I don't know about you, but I was a huge fan of raking leaves... and then of course jumping in them. But now that you are grown up, did you know that an hour of raking leaves burns about 300 calories? So get outside, enjoy the sunshine and crisp air, plug in your iPod, and make your yard look lovely.

2. Office Supplies. OK, I don't know if it's just me, but I missed the lesson on fax machines and multi-line phones. I am hopeless in my office. I think I've finally gotten the hang of the fax machine, but I still can't transfer a call to save my life. Maybe it is a generational thing... I can do everything else better than the other women in my office. But I swear they might fire me if I accidentally hang up on another client. Therefore, I have decided I am a HUGE fan of traditional office supplies. And I showed my love by completely reorganizing the supply closet at work-- without even being asked. I loved it; I got out the label maker and went to town. And now that everything is organized, I can enjoy the magicalness of a brand new Sharpie point or an unblemished binder. It's the simple things in life, really.

3. Ingrid Michaelson. It's not like she has a new CD or anything, but I have just been on a big kick of her music. I saw her live opening for Matt Nathanson last year and she was so down to earth and chill-- awesome. And no, she is not just that girl who is always featured on Grey's Anatomy. My friend Meg inspired the re-listen by suggesting her song "The Chain" for a mix, and I fell in love all over again. If you need something relaxed for work or something, try her quirky melodies... and admire the skill behind singing about having sex like bunnies.

4. The New iMacs. I am a devoted Apple droid. I will admit it, and proudly. As an artist, I just have to believe they are just by far superior to PCs. Yes, they are sometimes more expensive, but I will take that over viruses and crappy operating systems. And now... there is a new generation. With 27" monitors and wireless keyboards and intuitive mouse included, these desktops have immediately found a place in my heart. There is a new MacBook as well, but I am a MacBook Pro kind of girl so I am not as excited. I have been looking at getting a high-powered desktop recently since my MacBook Pro has been suffering from the onslaught of programs I use at one time. Done and done.

5. Gilda's Club. This organization is hands-down one of the best non-profits out there. Named for SNL star Gilda Radner, this place offers a home-like environment for anyone affected by cancer... not just people with cancer. As a child with two parents who have suffered from cancer (my mother is a breast cancer survivor and my father is currently undergoing treatment for colon cancer), I definitely understand the need for somewhere to go for support. As a part of Junior League, we spent yesterday setting up for Noogiefest, a sort of fall festival for the kids who enjoy Gilda's Club. They have many chapters around the United States, so google it and see if you might be able to find a volunteer opportunity. Your time will not be wasted!