
I feel like there should be some sort of flogging or something as punishment for not blogging for as long as I have not blogged. Like fifty lashes or maybe a little bit of water boarding or something. Simulated drowning might get me typing faster.

In all honesty, I have felt stalled these past few weeks. Nothing has really been going on at the house, and therefore it seems nothing much has been going on in my life. Class has lost its novelty, and work has been stressful rather than exciting. I went to South Carolina last weekend, which was fun obviously, but it was just like pressing the pause button and then having to fast forward to catch up. It was also like a montage of past errors, but that is a different story for a different time, and probably not within the blogosphere.

The good news is: I am back, and hopefully better than ever. I made a lot of progress today; despite still recovering from a weekend devoid of sleep, I managed to cut my grass, run some pertinent errands, and meet with a contractor. And the GREAT news? I think I have actually decided on a contractor! More about the actual decision process later, but it was a relatively easy gut decision and I am very relieved and ready to get started.

So here we are... I was discussing with my friend Molly today how mid-October is a much better time than New Year's to examine how far you have come in a year. This time last year, I was floundering. Now I have roots (quite literally) and I feel like I am going places. So there we are. Let's start building, shall we?