
Grab a trash bag and pump up some Miley jams, because it is time to get rid of clutter. Which, just so you know, is one of those words that sounds REALLY weird after you stare at it for too long.

It is official: I have not fully unpacked my life since 2007. Seriously. When I moved out of my apartment after graduation, I loaded my stuff into my Volvo and a storage unit, lived in the home a professor for whom a friend was housesitting for two weeks, and then moved into my awesome loft apartment in Greenville. But I wasn't sure how long I was going to be there (I didn't have a full time job yet and wasn't sure I would be able to find one), so I kept some stuff in boxes in my spare closet. I don't even know what stuff. Books? Clothes? DVDs? I suppose you could argue that it is obviously stuff I don't actually need, but I beg to differ. It is going to be like Christmas morning when I finally get this stuff out! 

As of today, I have been living with my parents for a year. I feel like I am going to need years of therapy just to deal with that fact. As I have mentioned before, it is not all bad, but it sucks a lot sometimes too. Anyway, I have unpacked some stuff, but I keep thinking that my next impending move is closer than it actually is, so I rationalize living with boxes. That is all well and good, except now I am going to be moving into my own place and have to make sure my life is somewhat together. Ha!

So after I finish sittin' on babies tonight, my goal is to declutter my room here. File away papers (VERY important), put things where they are supposed to go, and maybe even start boxing some random things up for the move. Also, I am a total night owl, so starting this project at 11:30 sounds like a great plan. We'll see how far I get.

Note: 'declutter' and 'unclutter' are not words. Thoughts on that matter?


rbrandt said...

i love love love haven't used it/ touched it in 2's gone before you blink. i just recently helped my boyfriend do this and I was Brutal!!! but everything then finds a place and all is right in the world.