Something to chew on...

I heard an interesting fact today and felt the need to share it. Did you know that in 2008, 25% of first time home buyers were single women? Girl power!

I think it is so interesting how the shift in America's social climate is reflected in home-buying trends. Fifty years ago, women were expected to graduate, get married, and buy a house with their husbands. Now, not only are women waiting longer to get married, they are experiencing more financial freedom and the possibility to invest how they choose.

More and more women are realizing the benefit of buying. While renting has its perks (most notably the minimal upkeep), home owning is a wise investment, especially in this market. While small, starter homes are more in demand, they are still ubiquitous. In addition, first-time home buyers are usually eligible for the $8000 tax credit... never a bad thing.

I am definitely not a radical feminist, but I support women getting out there and being independent. So girls, get out there and own a home... it is more within reach than you may think.