Stuff I Like This Week 8/29/09

Although I have been super busy the past few days with my house and everything else going on, there are a few things that have been helping me get through. Enjoy!

1. Patio Furniture Sales. The end of summer marks the end of grilling out and relaxing on the porch with a glass of sangria. Oh but wait, not really. We still have all of September and most of October to enjoy some beautiful outdoor weather (though you might have to trade your margarita for a glass of cider). But shh... don't tell retailers. They are currently pushing all outdoor furniture by discounting it heavily. Target is practically giving things away and even Pottery Barn is drastically reducing their prices on outdoor furniture. While PB is still a little pricey for me (I am borderline house poor, let's be honest), Target has always impressed me with their reasonable quality for an even more reasonable price, so if you are in the market for some outdoor furniture, check it out. I am personally looking for my reclaimed-brick patio... can you tell I'm excited much?

2. Melatonin. A special shout out to my friend Elizabeth for this suggestion. After hearing me bitch about my chronic insomnia, she suggested I try this natural supplement to help me get to sleep. I am only using it like one night a week (when I know I can be lazy the next day... I am always scared stuff like this will make me too groggy to function), but it is a miracle. Melatonin is the hormone that your body releases when it is time to sleep... something to do with your circadian rhythm and all that jazz. It seems safe enough used in moderation and I am enjoying it as such. Blah blah blah talk to your doctor before you use it blah blah blah. But try the magicalness.

3. Richard Misrach, On the Beach. A few weeks ago, when I was in Atlanta on business, I took an afternoon to visit the High Museum. After regaining appreciation for Monet's Water Lilies (there is a reason he is so widely beloved), I stopped by the other visiting exhibition... and was blown away. Richard Misrach's series On the Beach features large format photographs taken from his high-rise condo in Hawaii. Though the subject is tropical, the photographs have definite melancholy undertones... Misrach eliminated the shoreline in most of them, which removes any point of reference for the viewer. People seem to be floating alone in an endless ocean or lying entwined with a lover on a deserted beach. Beautifully sad and amazing at the same time. Grab an image from google and make it your computer background. And then have your sister make fun of your having two people making out on your desktop.

4. External Hard Drives. These magical devices are somewhat expensive, but totally worth it. As a photographer, I needed somewhere to back up all my digital images. I have found even more use for it now that so many important documents are kept on the computer. Everything for my loan and my home is now backed up to be saved forever. Amazing. If you don't have one, get one. They hold more information than a flash drive, and please imagine if you one day lost all your pictures and music. Devastating, right? Nope. Suck it up. Do it. Now. Right now.

5. Grosgrain Ribbon. This stuff is everywhere right now, and on sale. Besides being ridiculously cute, I keep finding cheap and easy crafts that utilize it. I will eventually post some of them on here, but for now, mosey on down to Michael's (not Hobby Lobby because I am boycotting them right now) and pick some up. Seriously. I am going to teach you how to make an adorable cup and maybe even a pillow if you are lucky. Rock on, ribbon.

And there you have it... stuff I like this week. Now I am off to make myself cross eyed at work with spreadsheets... be jealous!


Rachel said...

Why are you boycotting Hobby Lobby?