
I am not one to question a lot. I am a gut instinct kind of girl. I believe in fate and signs. I don't know if I am always right, but I tend to follow my heart rather than my head. I am an ENFP, if that helps you understand anything.

Basically, this next week is one of huge changes for me. I am dealing with a MAJOR life change. I am basically establishing myself permanently in Louisville, and while I am so excited about everything that is happening, understandably, part of me is wondering if I made the right decision.

I love Louisville. I think it is fabulous. I have grown up here and my heart is in my old Kentucky home. But I loved living in South Carolina too. It feels like two entirely different lives and I am not sure how I feel about it.

The good news is, buying this house gives me something on which to focus. I am excited to start the renovations process and see what I can do. I want to explore things like refinishing floors and common household fixes. I want to make this house great and I think I can. Like my subtitle says, I am making a house a home... and in the process hopefully making this mess into my new life. I have been treading water for so long, I think I am finally ready.

I guess this is what they call a quarter-life crisis. I think I have my life together, but I guess we will have to wait and see.


Unknown said...

caroline, you're fabulous. your house is going to be completely awesome. stop doubting and GET EXCITED!!! i am so happy for you.