Sign on the Dotted Line

The hour is upon us. Tomorrow morning, at 8:30AM EST, I will fork over my savings, my time, and my status as a debt-free member of society to enter into the land we know as home ownership.

I am over the moon. I know I was having doubts, but tomorrow, this thing I have worked towards for almost a year will become a reality.

Now, here comes the tricky part. While I am closing on the house tomorrow, I don't actually get possession until Sunday. Sucks right? Well, with the state of the banks and the mortgage world right now, institutions have become more stingy with 'bridge loans'--loans they give to cover a seller's costs in the few days between the time they buy their new home and sell their old. So a lot of sellers are writing into the contract a few days' cushion before possession. Essentially, instead of borrowing more money from the bank, the sellers are using the money directly from the sale of their old house to purchase the new. Even though I am signing my life and money away tomorrow, I don't get to actually possess the house until Sunday. Rough.

In other news, class is going well and so is work, despite being super tired this Monday and working my fingers to the bone drafting and typing. Such is life. I know you're jealous!