Stuff I Like This Week 9/26/2009

A long week sans posts... I need to get my act together.

1. Sunshine. Welcome to something I don't actively miss until it is gone. This whole week has been rainy and gross. Walking ten minutes to class with my paper portfolio is also not ideal. Additionally, my normally relatively tame hair has reached epic proportions on the frizz scale... after washing with straightening shampoo, using a straightening spray, and even adding a straightening finishing cream after using a straightening iron, I came home from a day of work with perfect ringlets under a fine layer of frizz. Not the look I was going for.

2. Wallpaper. OK, so upfront, the major drawback is expense. But pick a smaller room or choose an accent wall and DO IT. Wallpapers coming out right now are amazing. Go big or go home. I am considering doing my smaller downstairs bathroom in a fun BIG print... perhaps with some metallic accents? Whatever you do, have fun... wallpaper can easily send your room in a decidedly geometric or organic direction. For the record, I would choose a more organic prints for bathrooms or small rooms, and bold geometric prints for accent walls and larger rooms. Also, do not put wallpaper in a bathroom without a vent. Steam = death for wallpaper. I will record my adventures with applying wallpaper when the time comes (luckily, they often come with a sticky back now so that you don't have to worry about messy paste).

3. Fall TV. I am a huge dork, but fall TV makes me happy. After a summer of enduring the Hoff on America's Got Talent, I can't resist rejoining the stories of my favorite characters... Jim, Pam, Meredith, Issie, Heidi, Tim, Lynette, Bree, and even the new kids on Glee. Thank God for DVR though, or I would have a crisis every Thursday night. Sigh... at least I resigned to my dweebyness.

4. Higher education post-degree. As some of you know, I am currently taking a drafting class at the University of Louisville. I already have my BA in Art from Furman University, but in the course of working at the interior design firm, I realized I need some more technical skills. Not sure if I am going to continue to try and get my Master's or even a BFA, but for now, I am loving taking one class in a discipline I love. No pressure for grades, and best of all, because it is such a specific class, I am actually applying what I am learning in my everyday life. Yesterday, I drafted out the top floor of my house and played with renovation options... amazing. If you need to learn a new skill, give it a try. I am loving reliving my glory days as a stereotype. Much better than the cliche I am now.

5. Decluttering. I have glorified this in a past post, but I am loving it right now. Most recently, I have applied this to my time at work... we have so much stuff that it is ridiculous. Broken candle even I can't salvage? Toss. A million tiny picture hooks? Put in a labeled box and put away. Supply shelves? Tidied and cleaned. Workspace? Five paper trays found hidden on the messy supply shelves, labeled, and put to use. Additionally, tomorrow night I plan on cleaning out the garage at my new house. The previous owners left some things that I either want to save or throw away... and then I might even get a little crazy and paint the inside with some Kilz to keep it nice and clean. Boo-yah.

I will be a better blogger... I promise.