Stuff I Like This Week 9/12/09

I know you missed me last week and are probably chomping at the bit for five more things that are awesome. I know I am. So here is a list of a few more things I am obsessed with this week (besides corks).

1. Design Clubs. Get on google and find one immediately in your area. In these tough economic times, interior design businesses are suffering because no one wants to pay thousands or dollars and commission to redesign her home. These clubs allow individuals access to the resources of designers (products such as carpet, paint colors, and furniture) for a fraction of the cost. You pay a small set of dues and lose out on designer advice, but if you know exactly what you want, you are set. I know my company offers one and they may be somewhat exclusive, but if you know of an office near you, it can't hurt to call and inquire. Done and done.

2. South Carolina Politicians. I am not a huge fan of politics... yet another subject in which I feign interest in order to please the gentlemen. But I can't help to swell with pride and comment on the recent awesomeness of the politicians of South Carolina (my former home state, if we do so remember). Whether they are hiking the Argentinian Trail or interrupting our president with some ill-timed insult, they are really making the Palmetto state shine. Thanks, boys.

3. Pottery Barn's Pressick Lanterns. I have been trying to determine what I want to do with my outdoor space at my new house, and no matter what, I know I want it to have a fun and somewhat Bohemian vibe. Enter the Pressick Lanterns. On sale, no less. There are only a few colors left, so grab them while you still can. Hang on a patio or leave sitting on tables. Either way, these fun and colorful lanterns will brighten up any space and bring you lots of joy in the waning days of summer and into the autumn. Mix them up with some large bulb retro white lights and enjoy the ambiance.

4. Target Summer Clearance. Everything must go! OK, not really, but they are practically giving away some items, especially in home furnishings and decor. Rock the sale. I picked up some bathroom accessories in addition to a few outfits the other day and I am loving them. Something about getting an excellent deal just makes an item so much more appealing. See what you can find before everything is gone!

5. Tuesday. Why? Because THAT is the day I close on my house! I don't get possession until Sunday, but who cares? It will be mine! I can fill out change of address cards and start the whole renovation process and get excited for finally being on my own. Usually, Tuesdays are not my favorite, but this one is going to be AWESOME.